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Module 5 DB A

Module 5 DB A

Q Module 5 Small Group - Small Group Discussion 15 Michael Arseneault CA From No unread replies.No replies. This is your group and you should direct your discussions to each other here. I encourage you to reference not only the lectures and the textbook articles, but reference outside materials, media, and most importantly, your own experiences that help you and your group engage the concepts we are covering in the module in a practical, applied way. Please listen to lectures 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 and begin reading Part 4 in your textbook before completing Part A of this discussion. Part A: Due no later than 11:59pm (5 points) Post a 200+ word response to ONE of the following questions. Put “Part A” and the question number that you are responding to in the first line of your post. For example: “Part A- Q-1” 1. Offer your informed opinion about the problem of gendered bullying in one or more of the following contexts: schools, workplaces, the Internet. How do societal expectations of masculinity and femininity contribute to this problem? Provide your own examples. 2. From p. 205 of the textbook: Respond to Faludi’s assertion (as quoted in Wood’s article) that some men enact violence against wives and girlfriends as a means of claiming the power and status they see as a birthright of manhood. How does this assertion help us to understand intimate violence enacted by men? How might violence prevention groups and violence educators use this information in their work? 3. Read ASU President Michael Crow’s letter to the ASU community regarding the problem of sexual assault and write a response post. (follow the link below lecture 5.3) What aspects of the ASU plan do you think will work best and why? Are there items on the task force list that stand out as helpful or unhelpful to you? Utilize information you have learned in this course to make additional suggestions to President Crow. Please read your group members’ Part A posts before completing Part B of this discussion. Part B: Due no later than 11:59pm (5 points) Post a 150+ word response to one of your group members’ Part A posts. Your response should extend the information offered in the original post by including your own observations, opinions and experiences and should reflect the material discussed in the assigned reading and lectures. Part A- Q 1

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Bullying is a serious problem in our society and it has been noted that it is mostly related to gender and class also. Be it in school or in workplace, some people are treated separately because of their gender which is not something desired in a modern society. People have moved out of their stereotypical boundaries and mentalities have been upgraded too but it is actually shocking to see that the society is still not clear from the evil clutches of gendered bullying. In the workplace it is often seen that the valuable positions are occupied by the males and females are provided with minimum opportunities.